We’re closing the Discord.

Down 2 Earth Club
2 min readFeb 8, 2022

On the weekend ;)

Anyone who’s been in the NFT space for more than a week will tell you about their adventures in discord shenanigans. Either having to grind out invites, or just shooting out chats over and over to get to a certain level for a whitelist spot. The grind is never-ending and frankly we’re over it!

I myself have recently been waking up early and checking my discord app just to see if I’ve missed anything, usually resulting in me getting up far earlier than I should be, all because of FOMO. We’re not the only ones who are seeing this.

Source: Twitter

This isn’t healthy, y’all.

When we created Down2Earth we knew our supporters would be earthlings who fit in the same venn diagram as us: technology degens who also LOVE being outside and seeing the world. Those two values can be at odds with one another; especially with the current state of the NFT space. How can you enjoy being outside if you’re worried about missing the latest alpha, or giveaway? On the other hand, what are you missing out on by not feeling empowered to take a break and enjoy the moments literally outside of the computer?

We think you can have your cake and eat it too. Why can’t we be both lovers of technology and the earth?

We’re going to do something that we’ve not really seen another NFT project do. We’re going to close the discord from 12AM PST Saturdays until the following Monday at 12AM PST. We don’t want anyone to feel like they have to be online at any given moment during the weekend for our project.

While you’re out! Make sure to take pics and share memories of your weekend when you get back on Monday! We will still be here waiting for you — eating cake.

We’ll start this beginning February 11th.

Be Down, y’all!



Down 2 Earth Club

Just a fun NFT trying to give back to the world. ✌️ Launching soon on the ethereum blockchain.