Finding the right path.

Down 2 Earth Club
4 min readMar 24, 2022

Greetings earthlings!

Let’s get right to it. In any business or project, there are variables you set in which you believe will make it successful, and the NFT space is no different. Total supply, mint price, mint date, are just a few of the small levers you can adjust to increase your chance of grabbing attention and interest in the space.

We believe we have a lever that isn’t set in the right place in our equation, and it’s the biggest one; the mint price.

When we were working through all of our project plans, the market was in a quite large bull run and projects were minting around 0.08–0.1E and sometimes higher! We believed (and still do) that our mission and artwork outshines a lot of projects that were able to hit that price point, but the market has shown we are not able to so we need to put on our hiking gear and face the mountain that’s ahead of us that we aim to summit. This lower mint price will allow more people to have access to our animated art and community if it’s their first NFT purchase or not. We have seen higher priced projects single out communities and that goes against our core mission of being open to all Earthlings out in the wild. Being more open and accessible is the key to unlocking our community core goals.

There’s a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking that the team has been doing in regards to this. We should have marketed more, we should’ve touted the more appealing giveaways we had planned up front, pushed harder with smaller teams for allow lists and collabs, etc etc.

What happens when you realize you have a lever in the wrong place? In a typical non web3 world, you can quickly pivot and change course to adjust to keep going. In web3, you CAN do this, it’s just a bit more of a production to do so, which I believe is why you see so many projects die on the limb or just fade out or give up. That’s not in our Earthling blood and we see this as an opportunity to shift things, learn and adapt.

We don’t want to just fade out. We believe in our mission, the artwork, and the community we already have and want to continue to build.

Starting next Thursday (March 31), we’ll be removing the option to mint from the website and we’ll be re-writing our contract with a mint price of 0.05.

Upon deployment of the new contract current earthling holders can expect the following:

  • Current holders will retain their already minted earthlings.
  • Because you will be holding the older contract tokens as well, all current holders tokens will transform into a “0-day OG pack” with different artwork that will be redeemable at a later date for some goodies we have planned.
  • We will be allowing holders of original earthlings to mint additional earthlings at no cost to recoup the mint price dropping. For instance, if you minted 3 earthlings from the original contract, you would get 3 additional free mints (all you pay for is the gas.)

We also need to change a bit of our roadmap to coincide the changing of mint price:

  • We are adjusting our roadmap percentages to further benefit more recurring giveaways to our community, while still giving back to Earth friendly organizations as our core mission that the community will vote on.
  • We as a team have looked into the feasibility of buying land and being stewards of it, however after researching it, we are going to pause this initiative in lieu of donating to other nonprofits.

We also will have some future exciting and unexpected airdrops baked into our roadmap with merchandise and of course IRL fun hiking trips planned ahead.

From a partnership standpoint, we’re working on an agreement with a non-profit org in which we’ll bake in a percentage of proceeds from secondary sales to always go to them, more info to come on that soon.

On the marketing standpoint, we’re going to focus our efforts on a few exciting points of this project:

  • The person that mints the earthling with the Halley’s comet will get 2 round trip tickets to anywhere in the world they’d like (5,000 USD max).
  • Holders of the VR goggles trait have a chance to win Meta Quest 2 (Oculus)
  • We’re baking into our contract so that proceeds will automatically go to an established non-profit, so we’ll immediately be able to give back to a cause with secondary sales.

We’re finalizing some details and ironing out a new mint date. As soon as we know the mint date you’ll be the first to know!

As always please reach out to anyone of us in the Discord or on Twitter if you have thoughts or questions!



Down 2 Earth Club

Just a fun NFT trying to give back to the world. ✌️ Launching soon on the ethereum blockchain.